Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Typography - Arrows

I created a font face that made use of the arrow symbol. I tried to maintain consistency in each letter by using the same thickness of arrow, size of the tip, as wall as maintaining proper curvature. I find that the filled-in black-on-white version at the top is the most effective, and legible.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I used a simple iconic stickman to represent some of my daily activities as pictograms. Notice that inanimate objects are outlined, while the stickman (animate object) is filled in for emphasis.

Ransom Note

The size of the letters signify the importance of the word-meaning. The position of the words, and their orientation have been set in such a way to speed up or slow down the speed at which the text is read. Please note that I am not a real dog-napper.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

5 symbols

"From anywhere to anyone"

Can never have enough money.


I can always rely on this guy.

I usually wait for this symbol to appear to prevent myself from getting hit by cars and cyclists. I believe some Montreal drivers believe red lights are optional.

Monday, September 17, 2007

In-class Textures

To the left is an set of textures using similar lines based on the interpretations of the definitions to the same six words used in the In-class Composition assignment:


Use a fine-tipped writing utensil when creating textures, regular Sharpie's just don't cut it.

In-class Composition

To the left are compositions of identical squares based on the interpretation of the following words:


It was difficult to produce a "Lively" composition using a 4x4 grid with a maximum of 16 squares.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Representative - Yes it is an umbrella

I love this picture because I believe it represents me quite accurately. It shows that I have hair, eyebrows, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, a neck, and a torso. All physical attributes aside, there is much more to me than simple anatomy, like my fixation on randomness. This photo is an accurate representation of myself embracing my arbitrary side. No animals were harmed in the making of that umbrella.

Interpretive - Behind the DELL

Glued to a standard 1280 x 800 laptop screen. I am often in close proximity to a GUI, whether it be in a Mac or PC, doing some Video-editing, or developing Flash applications. You are most likely to see me behind a monitor with a refresh-rate of 60+ Hz. Computers are not my life, they just like to hang out with me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Day 1

11:12 AM, has been created.